Chapter Notes


Chapter 1

Kansas. Carry On, Wayward Son from the album Leftoverture. Kirshner Records, 1976, Spotify.

Author’s Note: I included this song as the opening quote to this project as it is a go to piece of music when I need a push to finish something or need motivation to hang on just a little while longer. The lyrics remind me that I am not just one thing, but a complex whole of goodness and rebellion, joy and angst, fear and freedom and in this tangled, beautiful mess, I am always moving towards the light.

Chapter 2

1. Saroo Brierly and Larry Buttrose. A Long Way Home (New York: Berkley Books, 2015).

2. Lion. Directed by Garth Davis, written by Saroo Brierley and Luke Davis featuring Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara (Weinstein Company, 2016), DVD (Netflix, 2020).

 Chapter 3

1. Lisa Deam, 3,000 Miles to Jesus (Minneapolis: Broadleaf Books, 2021), 8.

2. Charles Foster, The Sacred Journey (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010), 120.

 Chapter 4

1. Phil Cousineau, The Art of Pilgrimage (San Francisco: Conari Press, 2012), xix.

2. “Pilgrims and Pilgrimage” The University of York, accessed February 10, 2021,

3. Cousineau, Pilgrimage, xxv.

4. Lisa Deam, 3,000 Miles to Jesus (Minneapolis: Broadleaf Books, 2021), 2.

5. “Pilgrims and Pilgrimage” The University of York, accessed February 10, 2021,

6. Peace Pilgrim Website, accessed February 19. 2021,

7. Ibid.

8. Raymond Bailey, “Finding Self in the Search for God: The Pilgrimage of Thomas Merton.” American Baptist Quarterly, Vol XXXVII, No.3, (2012): 319.

9. Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude (New York: Farrer, Strauss Cudahy, 1956): 79.

 Chapter 5

1.  Cristian Vacaru “The Biblical Foundations of the Pilgrimage.” International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 65, 58-67 (2015): 58. 

2. Charles Foster, A Sacred Journey (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010): 37.

3. The Abraham Path Initiative (API) website, accessed March 18, 2021,

Chapter 6

1. Charles Foster, A Sacred Journey (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010): 61.

Chapter 7

 1. “Pilgrims and Pilgrimage” The University of York, accessed February 10, 2021,

2. “Christian History Christian Pilgrimage” Christian Pilgrim Journeys, accessed March 2, 2021,

 3. Lisa Deam, 3,000 Miles to Jesus (Minneapolis: Broadleaf Books, 2021), 11.

Chapter 8

1. “Early Printed Extracts of Margery Kempe’s Book,” British Library, 2021,

2. Susan Abernethy, “Margery Kempe ~Author of a Medieval Autobiography,” The Freelance History Writer, February 28, 2014,

3. Ibid. 

4. Mary Sharratt, “Margery Kempe: The Self-Made Mystic” Feminism and Religion, December 20, 2020,

5. Ibid

6. Ibid.

7. Joshua J. Mark, "Margery Kempe." World History Encyclopedia. Last modified June 06, 2019.

8. Lisa Deam, 3,000 Miles to Jesus (Minneapolis: Broadleaf Books, 2021), 29-30.

9. Emily-Jane Hills Orford, “Margery Kempe – The Illiterate Writer”, Decoded Past, June 21, 2013,

10. Ibid

Chapter 9

1. Interview with Fiona Koefoed-Jespersen, March 20, 2021.

 Author’s Note: I interviewed Fiona Koefoed-Jespersen on Saturday, March 20, 2021 via Zoom. We had 90 minutes together and could have spent hours in deep, juicy conversation about everything from inward journeys to outward adventures, walking, journaling, spiritual direction, family, faith, evolving faith, friendship, loving Jesus, legacies, learning.

 2. Phil Cousineau, The Art of Pilgrimage (San Francisco: Conari Press, 2012), 23.

Chapters 10-15

Author’s Note: My pilgrimage inwards as well the external proximity to places of spiritual, physical and emotional connection is sometimes a tricky thing to navigate. I stand in my truth and in my desire to write honestly and authentically about the circumstances and events in which I found myself. As I mention in various chapters, I grew up in Westcoast of BC and so I am taking you along to those places without naming people or places specifically at times. 

Chapter 14

1. Lisa Deam, 3,000 Miles to Jesus (Minneapolis: Broadleaf Books, 2021), 90.

 Chapter 16

1. Phil Cousineau, The Art of Pilgrimage (San Francisco: Conari Press, 2012), 134. 


Chapter 16: This Much I Know So Far

