Chapter 15: The Writing in the Waiting

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.
— Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

So I began to write.

The truth is writing and creative communication have always been woven throughout the diverse work I have done over the years, both personally and professionally. Consequently, I began to write with a new voice, a stronger voice, a searching voice, layered, and more nuanced. 

I began to follow more writers online, listen to podcasts and watch webinars on writing. I connected with writers, interested in their form, inspiration and content. I learned about their diverse processes and was curious about the vulnerability and bravery many of them seemed to have to stay committed to their projects and then show their work to the world.

Instead of writing papers, I wrote essays, created posts and researched articles. I submitted many writing samples that never got published. I worked with an editor for a few months. I started a website and a blog to share my stories and create content that was meaningful to me.

And I am [becoming] good at it. 

It was not mere coincidence that my dropping out of Seminary with one class to finish set in motion my taking up the pen (and the pencil, markers, keyboard, sticky notes) to write. It became a balm of healing to my battered soul.

Like Margery Kempe, sharing my stories made them real. Interacting with people who read my stories and sent me texts and emails saying, “me too” helped redeem the painful pieces and reminded me that I was not alone. And speaking up allowed me to take back my power and personal agency as the writer of my own narrative, in spite of those who would try to silence or discredit me.

Here is the list of published articles, essays and chapters I have written in the last 4 years (and a podcast interview I did last fall that was a lot of fun).





Writing is an act of courage. Sharing one’s writing is an act of bravery. The more I write, the more I become. And as I share my writing, I inviting others inside to catch a glimpse of my progress of healing and my process of becoming.


Chapter 14: Hurry Up & Wait


Chapter 16: This Much I Know So Far